Edición del grupo El color de la palabra de CEC San Pedro Apóstol de San Pedro del Pinatar / Murcia

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Fast Food: Save your time, damage your life

Fast food has become very popular in the last century. Everybody likes it, but it can be very unhealthy.

05.01.2014 - El color de la palabra.

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A typical Fast food menu.
A typical Fast food menu.


Fast food  is the term which was given to that food that can be prepared and served to you very quickly.

Nowadays, businesses like Burger King or McDonalds feeds million of people around the world, and they have become very famous because it gives you a fast service with a low price. Only in the Unites States, consumers spent $160 billion on fast food in 2012.

Fast food has been under criticism over concerns ranging from claimed  negative health effects, alleged animal cruelty in the farms where the animals (like cows or chickens) were raised, cases of workers exploitation, and claims of cultural degradation via shifts in people's eating patterns away from traditional food.

The intake of fast food is increasing worldwide. A study has shown that current fast food habits are related to the increase of overweight and obesity among teenagers. 


Comentarios (1)


César | 03-01-2014 12:30

Mmmm... It's very intersting... I think that I will cut down in fast food...

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