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We have got an interview with Leah Moore, who is talking about healthy lifestyle. Leah Moore is our Language assistant.

13.01.2014 - Zhara El Aichti, Ainhoa Martínez, Francisco Hernández

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Interviewers: Zhara, Fran and Ainhoa

Interviewee: Leah Moore (Language assistant)

Topic: Healthy lifestyle


1.-.When you want to follow a balanced diet, what food do you eat?

  A balanced diet means eating a bit of everything, not too much nor too less but a mixture of everything.

 2. - Is it important to have a balanced diet?

    Yes it is very important to have a balanced diet.

 3.-.Does your family eat healthy?

    Yes, my family eats healthy, although sometimes we do like to eat junk food, for example at weekends.

 4.-.Do you go to the gym?

   Yes, I go to the gym as much as possible during the weekend and at least a couple of times over the weekend.

  5.-.Are drugs dangerous substances for your body?

    Drugs are very dangerous for your body, I hate them!

  6.-.Do you drink alcohol? Why?

     On the odd occasion yes, I´m not one of those people that drink for the sake of it, I will have a glass of wine or a beer if I fancy one at the weekend.That´s all.

  7. - Do you smoke?

   No, I don´t smoke, I used too and I´m disgusted in myself for doing so but I am proud of myself that I gave up, I don´t judge people on if they smoke or not but I think now that it´s a disgusting habit.

  8. - .Are electronics cigarettes less dangerous than normal cigarettes?

  I´ve never actually looked into this therefore. I´m not sure but I have heard numerous stories, Some people say they are worse, some say they are just as bad and others say that they are better so without looking into it I don´t know the answer.

  9.-.Why do children start to smoke?

  I strongly believe that children start smoking because they think its "cool" or because they see older people doing it or because they are part of a croud that smoke therefore feel the need to smoke to fit in, my reason for believing this is because the only reason I started smoking was because I thought it was "cool".

  10. - Is it essential to keep your body clean?

 It is definitely essential to keep your body clean, personal higiene is very important to me, I tend to shower at least once a day!

Thank you very much Leah.

Comentarios (2)


Paula | 23-01-2014 07:15

¡ Qué bien se les da el idoma a nuestros alumnos bilingües!


María José Vélez | 16-01-2014 05:08

Congratulations for this great interview! It is true that it is very important to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle.

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